Réalités Parallèles

Ergonomie et conception de jeu vidéo

Game development

This section of the site discusses game development, either professionally or as a hobby.

It includes:

Articles on this topic

Game Maker Studio tutorials

This tutorial series explains in details how to code using Game Maker Studio, from creating the first sprite to more advanced game development.

By Orsoral on 2022-10-10

Game Maker Studio tutorials

This series of tutorials explains programming through making games in Gamemaker Studio.

By Orsoral on 2021-03-30

Shadowrun level editor tutorials

This series of tutorials explains in detail how to create your first level in Shadowrun Hong Kong, including some hard to find troubleshooting tips for mac users.

By Orsoral on 2020-01-18

Full Indie 2016 - Leading VR beyond the zombie shooter

Kayla Kinnunen dreams of VR games that make the most of the hardware and shares some promising areas for truly innovative gameplay.

By Orsoral on 2017-06-26

Prototyping mobile games with Protopie

Protopie provides advanced interaction features, fine control and a movie-editing like approach to prototyping mobile apps.

By Orsoral on 2017-06-14

Full Indie 2016 - Let’s get physical – lessons from the real world

Zach Gage draws insights from making card, dice and billard games, and shares what we can take away from it in video game design.

By Orsoral on 2017-06-06

Full Indie 2016 - Alt Ctrl – innovating in the hardware scene

Robin came all the way from Scottland to discuss the Hardware game scene, its opportunities and challenges.

By Orsoral on 2017-06-06

Prototyping mobile games with Flinto

Flinto is easy to learn, and produces very polished prototypes from mockups you made elsewhere.

By Orsoral on 2017-05-20

Full Indie 2016 - A love letter to Alt Games

Claris Cyarron took us on the weird side of walking simulators, discussing atl games.

By Orsoral on 2017-04-26

Full Indie 2016 - Learning from Brigador’s mistakes

Stellar Jockey shares what they learnt from Brigador's poor sales despite outstanding metacritic reception.

By Orsoral on 2017-04-26

Full Indie 2016 - Skill or illusion of skill

Jesse Divnich explains how free to play design differs from other games in how it gives players the illusion of skill while keeping actual skill requirements to a desired minimum.

By Orsoral on 2017-01-28

MIGS 2015 - You cant fix it if you dont know what’s broken

A great talk about the world of Ops and the importance to collect data to define problems well in order to be able to solve them. While this is services oriented, it totally applies to UX as well.

By Orsoral on 2016-12-18

MIGS 2015 - Learning from Kickstarter failures by Tanya Short

A great conference where looking at mistakes will help others avoid them - hopefuly!

By Orsoral on 2016-11-22

Full Indie 2016 - How to create 4D games

Marc ten Bosch thinks in 4 dimensions with Miegakure, creating huge expectations for such an awesome concept.

By Orsoral on 2016-10-17

Full Indie 2016 - Effective audio design

A great talk about audio design at Full Indie Summit.

By Orsoral on 2016-10-17

Modern technologies and education

This essay reflects my opinions on games as an education tool back in 2007.

By Orsoral on 2007-03-19